Shark Tank Mark Cuban Gives Great Advice IF You Win the Powerball

Winning the Powerball is a dream of many to save them from financial struggles… But it may not always be a blessing

So what do you do IF you win?  Here are 6 pieces of advice from “Shark Tank” host and Billionaire MARK CUBAN:

1.  Hire a tax attorney first.

2.  Don’t take the lump sum, so you don’t blow it all.

3.  If you weren’t happy yesterday, winning won’t make you happy tomorrow.

4.  But if you WERE happy yesterday, winning will make you VERY happy tomorrow.  You’ll enjoy a life where you don’t have to worry about bills.

5.  Tell all of your friends and family NO when they ask for money.  No exceptions.  If you help someone, it should be someone you’re close enough to that you knew about their financial issues BEFORE you won.  And no one needs $1 million for anything.

6.  Winning the lottery doesn’t make you a smart investor, so don’t make investments.  Just put the money in the bank and live comfortably forever.


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