Attempted Kidnapping in Orange Beach

Police are investigating the attempted kidnapping of a 10 year old boy. The incident happened over the past weekend and the child’s mother took to social media today to alert other parents to be on the look out.  “He came in and he was screaming mom,mom,mom somebody just chased me, somebody just chased me,” said Katie Holden. 10 year old John Carter Holden says he was on his way home from a neighbor’s house here in the Cypress Village subdivision when a woman started chasing him. Right now all we have to work off of is a vehicle description by a witness that was there. Which is described as a dark red or maroon what we believe is a Dodge or Chrysler product,” said Lt. Steve Brown with the Orange Beach Police Department.  The boy’s mother, Katie Holden posted an account of what happened on Facebook in hopes others would be aware and on the look-out. “To me on Saturday I almost lost my kid that is the most sickening feeling I have every had in my entire life,” said Holden.  Today as a precaution parents at Orange Beach Elementary were alerted to be on the look out for that truck and for any suspicious activity in their neighborhood. “I almost lost my kid, my baby and that alone is the worst feeling ever and I don’t want anyone else to experience that feeling ever,” said Holden. “Obviously we’ll look into whether or not this vehicle is described or possibly used in another jurisdiction, we’ll get this information out to other jurisdictions to be on the look out for that vehicle as well we will be in the look out for that vehicle here in Orange Beach,” said Brown.


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