A Domino’s Pizza Knew Their Customer So Well They Saved His Life!

There’s a 47-year-old guy in Salem, Oregon named Kirk Alexander, who’s been ordering Domino’s almost every day for the past seven YEARS.

But on Saturday, the employees at the Domino’s he usually orders from realized he hadn’t gotten anything in 11 days.  So they thought he might be in trouble.

First the general manager tried calling him, but it went to voicemail.  Then she had one of her drivers stop by his place to check on him.  And he didn’t answer the door . . . but his lights and TV were on. So she told the driver to call 911 . . . and it ended up saving his LIFE!

The cops found him on the floor, and he was having some sort of medical emergency.  We don’t know many details, but that WAS why he hadn’t ordered in so long.

There haven’t been any updates on his condition yet.  But the manager, the driver, and a few other Domino’s employees have already gone to see him at the hospital.

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