Paris Jackson, the now 18-year-old daughter of the King of Pop Michael Jackson, has done her first ever in-depth interview. She’s chosen Rolling Stone to reveal what people want to know most.
In the story, Paris reveals that she digs Nirvana and Justin Bieber. She also talks about the stress on her just because she’s Michael Jackson’s daughter. The article then digs a little deeper and covers her father’s death. Paris was very honest and held nothing back, saying that she thinks her father was murdered. Although she doesn’t give any evidence to support her claim, she told the magazine that “all arrows point to that (that he was murdered).”
Rolling Stone published the article late yesterday, making sure to promote the fact that Paris discusses her father’s passing.
Paris also hits on other issues, including bullying. Paris has shut her social media accounts twice because of cyber-bullying. She even mentions that those bullies actually caused her to attempt suicide.
It doesn’t matter what you think of her dad, the fact that she’s his daughter is going to stick with her for the rest of her life. It’s interesting to see how that’s affected her, especially when you consider that most people online claim her life has to be stress-free and amazing. I find it interesting to see that not only is that not even close to the truth, she shares the same issues kids her age face, the only difference (and this is quite a large difference) is that she’s dealing with all that stress in front of billions of people who constantly judge her. I can’t imagine having to live through my young-adult years under that type of pressure.