This past Thursday night a house in the 500 block of Rickarby Street in Mobile caught fire.  Mobile Fire & Rescue extinguished the fire and all members of the family were safe, but were not okay. While they escaped with the most precious thing in the world (their lives) they did lose all of their possessions.

The next morning, the mother of one of the children had asked Murphy H.S. principal Toomey if her daughter could come to school out of uniform because of the fire.  Mr. Toomey not only obliged, but also put the word out to the community via social media as to what had happened.  Later that day the community responded by donating bags of clothes and around $500.00.  This is EXACTLY what we do as a community!

Although all of this is amazing, the family is living in a hotel and in desperate need of everything. Think about this for a second.  Yes, you’re absolutely happy all of your family members are safe, but, you’ve lost everything.  Toothbrushes.  Pictures.  Underwear.  Even shampoo!  Murphy High School is now taking donations of clothing and gift cards for food and gas to help the family.  Here’s the message Murphy High School posted Friday morning on Facebook:

We had a student whose house burned down last night. We are in desperate need of clothes and food. We need ladies large tops and 16/18 bottoms ( 10 and 11 shoes) and men’s medium shirts and 32/32 pants. 10 1/2 shoes. Please consider helping this family out. You can bring everything to the office at school. You can bring gift cards for gas and restaurants as well. There not much more heartbreaking than losing everything. Please show your Panther Pride and support one of our own! Share this PLEASE and let’s show our love


As a community we all come together in times of need.  Principal Toomey, the faculty and students at Murphy are examples of that attitude.  Please try and donate whatever you can to the family.  If you can find it in your hearts to help, please drop off donations to Murphy High School.
