A new surprising burger just got launched for Burger King in Thailand without any meat… the burger only contains a whopping 20 slices of cheese!
I wish I was kidding but the Thailand Burger King chain just announced the new burger calling it the “Real Cheeseburger” with just a bun and 20 slices of cheese.
They posted on their social media that the burger is a short limited time offer only going until Thursday and cost a little over $3.00
As crazy as it may sound it is a popular item in Thailand and people could not wait to give it a try as social media has been going crazy over it.
However, the reviews for the burger were not as good as the hype for it as some cheese burger enjoyers said the mountain of cheese was a lot and another said it was a bit “too intense” as you would imagine.
It is not clear if the meal will make its way over to the United States but I do not think many people will be upset if it doesn’t make it.
I know I would not want to try this but, would you want to try this monstrosity of a cheese”burger”?