Police Chief Asks For Help, FBI Involved

Brewton residents are concerned after the Federal Bureau of Investigation stepped in Thursday to help find a missing teenage girl.

Authorities said 16-year-old Brooke Bridges dissapeared Monday morning around 4:30. Family members found the front door wide open and could not find Brooke pr her cellphone in the home.

Police said Bridges was last seen Sunday night and is believed to be wearing two tank tops and black pajama pants.

Local clerk Amber Meyers said she used to see Brooke inside her store on a weekly basis.

“I’m just really shocked because she was really quiet and nice,” Meyers said. “I’m concerned because I used to run away from home and I always packed my important valuables, she left her home with nothing.”

The morning Bridges dissapeared the temperature was roughly 35 degrees in Brewton




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