Orlando area police chief writes himself a parking ticket!

When you see a cop parked illegally it can really irritate you cause you know that if it were your car it would probably get towed!

So when someone saw the Police Chief in Groveland, FL parked illegally they took a pic of it and shared it on Facebook.

Well the post was shared over 500 times and generated enough attention that the Cheif released this statement:

“Last night while I was conducting business and a meeting with Mr. Jones at City Hall I parked next to Mr. Jones’s vehicle along Highway 50. And parking I believed that I was far enough off of the sidewalk as to not block the walkway along side of City Hall. I was advised by one of my road supervisors that they had a concern that I was in fact blocking part of the walkway along side City Hall. As a result of my parking I believe the supervisor was correct therefore I have voluntarily paid the $45 parking violation fee to City Hall for improper parking. The reason I have done this is due to the fact that we enforce our parking violations as well as all laws and city ordinances I cannot therefore hold anyone accountable until I hold myself accountable and as I have always said it starts at the top.”

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