Woman Is Allergic to WiFi?

Rachel Hanks is allergic to WiFi!  She claims she suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. The 43 year-old tells the paper that she lives in a shed because there are too many electronics and gadgets in her Sussex, England Home. “At first I had mild symptoms, I noticed when I switched to a cordless phone my ear would burn after about ten minutes, and when I tried to use my laptop using WiFi I became very fatigued so I resorted back to using a wired up connection. I never imagined I’d be in this situation when I have a sweet little home I’ve rented for 17 years and good neighbors, yet I have now become too sick to live there. Each day I need to drive into Chichester and re-expose myself to feed my cat and I take her out in the car to the meadows where I can give her some company for an hour.



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