Yeah, that looks bad, doesn’t it? Chris Brown was photographed with his hands around a woman’s neck and it’s lighting the internet on fire!!!!
The photo was taken in Miami a few days ago and the picture LOOKS bad. Chris was playing around with the woman and his lawyer, Mark Geragos said, “She’s a friend. It’s obviously playful as she confirmed. Whoever invaded their privacy will be held accountable.”
The woman has since admitted that they were just playing, and the photo doesn’t show exactly what was happening. You know what? I believe her. I believer her because I found this photo shortly after digging around for more information about this. In the picture below (TO ME) it’s obvious that the girl is clearly smiling and they are playing around.
You are certainly welcome to believe anything you want, but I think someone got this wrong. Unfortunately the overwhelming majority of people will not seek out more information on this for themselves. It’s absolutely possible I’m wrong, and I’m okay with that. (It’s also possible Lil’ Dickey is still trapped in Chris’ body and doing this too.) LOL!
To read more about this story from TMZ CLICK HERE.