The final installment of the 50 Shades of Grey movies is due out Valentine’s Day. The trailer was just released and the movie looks….uh…good. ***sweating**** … MORE
The final installment of the 50 Shades of Grey movies is due out Valentine’s Day. The trailer was just released and the movie looks….uh…good. ***sweating**** … MORE
The queen of promotion, Taylor Swift, dropped her FOURTH song from her upcoming album “Reputation” due out on the 10th. The song “Call It What You Want” is the fourth song she’s released since announcing a new album. “Look What You Made Me Do,” “…Ready For It,” “Gorgeous,” and now “Call It What You Want.”…… MORE
Our media partner, WKRG is working on a story that confirms several students (6 in all) were being treated at a hospital after eating laced gummy bears. The Mobile County Public School System confirmed the story and added that SIX Alma Bryant High School students were being treated at a hospital for eating the gummy…… MORE
Even though Jimmy Kimmel is out this week it didn’t stop the people at his show from continuing his long-standing tradition of pulling the prank of filming your kids when you tell them you ate all their candy. The videos are slow to come in this year (normally they’re on the show November 2nd) so…… MORE
Last night James Corden had Sam Smith as a guest for Carpool Karaoke. Everyone’s talking about the awesome surprise at the end, but the whole thing is pure genius.… MORE
OUCH! That’s gonna hurt tomorrow! During a live segment on her show, Wendy Williams started mumbling and then awkwardly stared into the camera, stumbled and fell. The show cut immediately to a break, leaving everyone to wonder what happened. It turns out Wendy was okay. A spokesperson for the show explained that Wendy was dehydrated…… MORE
Boo Ball 2017 was a tremendous success!!! Thank you so much for coming out and supporting our event. If you went and wanna see if you’re in the pics, you couldn’t make it, or just want to spy on how well our event turned up, here you go. Pictures from 2017’s Boo Ball from…… MORE
After a week of teasing us with an image that appeared to be a naked cyborg version of herself, Taylor Swift dropped her new video for “…Ready For It?” last night. It wasn’t over or underwhelming. It was all the “new” Taylor Swift. Swifties came out of every corner of the internet to claim the video…… MORE
Check out Camila and Joe Jonas in Carpool Karaoke. They were super sweet and had all kinds of chemistry!… MORE
In honor of the horrible tragedy that took 58 lives and injured more than 500, we produced a tribute song. This song includes audio from the event as well as president Trump’s statement to the nation. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to all of those affected.… MORE