Category Archives: Hot Topics

A Dog Named “Haus” Saved a Seven-Year-Old From a Rattlesnake!

A family in Florida rescued a two-year-old German shepherd named Haus from a shelter two months ago.  And last week, it got bitten three times by a rattlesnake while it was protecting their seven-year-old daughter Molly.  But people online donated over $50,000 to cover the vet bills, and the dog survived!MORE

A Janitor Got His Degree From The School Where He Cleans The Floors!

    A 54-year-old guy in Massachusetts just got his college degree on Saturday . . . at the school where he’s worked as a JANITOR for eight years.  (His name is Michael Vaudreuil).  His business went under in 2007 during the recession and he took the job because he couldn’t find anything else.  The school…MORE

Orlando area police chief writes himself a parking ticket!

When you see a cop parked illegally it can really irritate you cause you know that if it were your car it would probably get towed! So when someone saw the Police Chief in Groveland, FL parked illegally they took a pic of it and shared it on Facebook. Well the post was shared over…MORE

KKK flyers found in Mobile neighborhoods

Some midtown residents woke up Sunday morning with paper patrimonial in their yards that’s made locals pretty upset. These flyers said “Transgender is an abomination according to the King James Bible.” Clearly the message was one of hate and Click here for pictures and more about this story.MORE

‘Hateful’ senior prank at Theodore High under investigation

Seniors all over the country feel that a right of passage is they must do some sort of “prank(s)” before graduating.  The sad fact is that most don’t come off in a funny way and end up in damaged property or even worse students being expelled. Reports are that someone vandalized Theodore High School in…MORE


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